School Uniform
Green Lanes School Uniform
Below is an example of our school uniform items with a logo. However, please note that plain items in these colours are also permitted.
School Uniform
At Green Lanes we take pride in our school uniform.
If you are in receipt of benefit related Free School Meals then you may be eligible for a uniform voucher of £60 per child per year. Please contact the School Office for more information on this. To check your eligibility click here.
- Black or Grey Trousers
- Black or Grey shorts (Spring/Summer)
- Black or Grey Skirt
- Black or Grey Pinafore dress
- Green summer dress (Spring/Summer)
- Polo shirt - Green Lanes logo OR plain white
- Shirts - plain white
- Jumper - Green Lanes logo OR plain dark green
- Cardigan - Green Lanes logo OR plain dark green
Other items:
- Black / grey / white socks
- Black / grey / dark green tights
- Black school shoes (or plain black trainers)
- Refillable water bottle
- Outdoor shoes (waterproof footwear to be left in school e.g. wellington boots)
- Hooded raincoat / waterproof jacket (to be left in school)
PE kit (Children should come to school dressed in PE Kit on their PE Days):
- White PE shirt - Green Lanes logo OR plain white
- Plain Black or dark green tracksuit bottoms or shorts
- Green Lanes fleece, jumper OR plain dark green
- Black or white trainers only
No logos other than the school logo are permitted
Other optional items available to purchase include the Green Lanes fleece, Green Lanes reversible coat, Green Lanes beanie, Green Lanes backpack. Please note children are permitted to wear their own coats and hats.
All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child's name - this enables us to return missing items to your child from lost property.
You can purchase our uniform from Smarty Schoolwear (Hatfield Town Centre).
If you would like to order printed labels for uniforms and support the GLSA with fundraising then please consider using the Stikins (link below) as the school receives commission on all orders. Thank you for your support. - Please quote a fundraising reference number 8447
In order to help safeguard the health and safety of all pupils, jewellery should not be worn at school, except for small studded earrings. Jewellery is not permitted to be worn for swimming, PE or games activities at school. Children will be asked to remove jewellery before these activities or to cover up earrings with tape. Pupils can wear wrist watches / fit bits - please note NO smart watches are permitted.
Nearly New (secondhand)
We welcome donations of nearly new / secondhand school uniform in good, clean condition. We have plenty of stock of nearly new items and hold a stall every half-term. If you need any items more urgently, please contact the School Office.
Hair & Jewellery
In the interest of health & safety, long hair must be tied back. All jewellery, including earrings, must be removed on PE Days.